How To Break Free From Negative Psychic Energy




When we feel stuck and downhearted, it’s usually because our psychic energy has created an energy blockage. This stuck energy keeps us repeating the same things repeatedly in hopes of a different outcome. First, we must acknowledge that we can’t keep doing the same things and expecting different results if we want to learn how to break free from negative psychic energy. Then, we must look at things differently to get a breakthrough. The way out of this mess is to acknowledge for some unknown reason, we put ourselves there, and it’s an opportunity to grow and learn as we find a way to release it.

When Psychic Energy Becomes Stuck and Confused 

How to break free from negative psychic energy.
A lotus grows under harsh conditions, and blossoms beautifully, and so can you!

Our psychic energies can become stuck in many ways. As a  lightworker, in our relationships, in less-than-satisfactory jobs, finances, creativity, and even self-esteem.  Why did we get stuck, and how did you break free from negative psychic energy? Sometimes it’s beneficial to sit back and reflect on your life’s changes. Understanding what triggered the situation makes us more aware of what we should do to change this situation.  and less apt to repeat this circumstance.

An Opportunity To Learn  

Understand that each experience in our lives, even “getting stuck,” is an opportunity to learn.  Don’t blame yourself or others for the situation. Blame increases your negative energies, making it harder to resolve things, and it drains your lighter positive energy. Learn to be objective and accept responsibility for your actions without feeling guilty for what happened that led you there. Wondering what you did wrong to end up in this situation isn’t helpful either. Consider that this is a life lesson that you can go through or grow through. 

Have You Heard “Thoughts Are Energy?”

Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all energy.  Change your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to a more positive energy state.  Open yourself to the idea of changing your negative thoughts into positive affirmations. For instance, nothing good ever happens to me…. change it into wonderful things that come my way every day. This is the first step to manifesting better days and opportunities. 

When You Need Help Letting Go   

Think about what has happened before; after you become stuck, you may discover the trigger that initiated it.  I’ve had several clients that would come and say, “I need your help; my life is a mess.”  I’d look at their energy, and for example, I might see that six months that things started going downhill for them.  What happened to them six months ago sprung to mind. They’d tell me various answers; a relationship breakup, a loved one passing, job loss, increased workload, illness, etc.  In all the cases, there was a common denominator.  When the trigger occurred, they stopped being happy-go-lucky instead of being in the energy of love, light, and joy. They slipped into anxieties, fearful thoughts, and frantic energies, wondering what they did wrong. Their prayers also changed to ” I don’t deserve this, so please fix this for me ” instead of ” Please give me guidance and strength to work through this.”

 Are You In Denial  

We must take action to overcome the negative situations in our lives.  Being in denial, whining, not accepting responsibility, or shutting down, will not help. We must take charge of our life; it’s our responsibility.  I’ll share two examples of why things get out of hand when we don’t meditate or balance our energies daily. 

The Self Centered Person 

The first example was a client who we will call Mary for this example. Mary admitted she was angry after I told her what I saw in her energy.  As a young child, she enjoyed making everyone miserable.  She was angry that she wasn’t an only child and felt she deserved to be the center of attention and that everyone should treat her like a queen. She demanded to be the center of attention and wanted her parents to buy her anything she wanted. Screaming or breaking things until she got her way helped her control her siblings and parents.  

Unwilling To Change 

When she came to me for a psychic reading, she was in her late fifties and still acting that way.  Divorced, with adult children with their own homes and families, Mary refused to work and demanded her parents, children, and siblings support her.  I advised her that not accepting responsibility in her life and being so angry prevented her from growing and being happy and could also take a physical toll on her. 

Controlling Others  

Mary said she liked her life because she controlled others and made them feel bad.  I advised her that one day they would tell her “no,” and she would have to fend for herself.  Sadly she just smiled and said she had no intention of changing.  I told her that was her choice.  Mary was stuck in anger and refused to take responsibility for her life.

Eager To Grow And Learn

The other example is quite different.  I’ll call her Liz.  Liz had recently lost her husband of over fifty years.  Not only was Liz dealing with grief, but she was also terrified because she didn’t even know how to write a check.  Liz’s husband had always handled the finances.  She did not know what bills to pay, their insurance, or how much money was in the bank. 

Coming To Terms With Change  

Liz did know that she had to learn something soon and that she had to get over her fear.  We discussed taking things one step at a time. Discovering that she could talk to the attorney, the bank, and the insurance company and get immediate answers to many of her questions eased her mind significantly.  Liz wanted to work through her fear and take action.  I also connected with her husband in spirit, who came through with more information for Liz.  The session ended very positively, and the fear had already dissipated from her energy.

What Works For Me 

An important thing to do after recognizing you are stuck is to take action.  I remember one of my sons calling me one day.  I said I was spring cleaning when he asked what I was doing.  He replied, “Oh, then you have all the Windows open, the stereo cranked up, and you’re dancing while you clean.”  I said, “Why do you think that?”  He replied,” You always do that when you spring clean.  You take everything out of the closets and cabinets, dance, and sing while you clean.”  He added that was a signal for them to go out so they didn’t get more chores.  I laughed and realized he was right. 

Getting Out of Your Funk 

The more I think about it, the more I realize how it helped me get out of a funk.  I was naturally creating the energy of balance in my life. The Chinese call this feng shui. Clearing the clutter and creating a more positive space was raising my energy. This was simultaneously creating a positive energy shift with the music because my negative thoughts dissipated as I danced around while cleaning.  

What Works For You 

You can take action in several ways. Think about getting into a meditation routine to cleanse and balance your energies. How about starting a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings? This is also an excellent way to reflect on what’s happening and discover how to release stress and negative emotions. Exercise, take a walk, or dance.  Do something creative to ground yourself and stimulate your imagination. 

Focus on Your Past Accomplishments 

Reflect on past accomplishments and see yourself succeeding in another endeavor.  Please think about volunteering somewhere in your local community; Volunteering helps us remember that others may be having a tough time and need help too. Learn to laugh at yourself.  Life isn’t meant always to be serious.  Take things one step at a time.  You will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Be consistent and appreciate all you have.

You Are Important  

We are all important, and when you realize that, it will make it easier to break free, leave the energies of fear and confusion, and welcome back love, light, and joy. Life is constantly changing so we can grow and learn, which is a  part of our purpose.  Sometimes we have to stub our toe for it to get our attention. When it does, it’s time to 

 Copyright Trish Smith Psychic Medium, Healer & Author 

About the author, Trish

Trish Smith is one of the best psychic mediums in Cassadaga Florida. She does phone and in person readings in her home on Stevens Street in Cassadaga and has a large following of regular clients.

Trish does not use any tools to access psychic information about you or your situation. She sits with you quietly in a light trance and connects directly with the spirit world. She talks with her guides, your guides and lost loved ones. The information she receives from Spirit is often referred to as amazing and astoundingly accurate.

Trish is a natural born psychic medium and has been a practicing professional psychic medium since the 1970’s. She’s a Florida native and has lived in Cassadaga Florida for many years where she took professional training to become a SCSCMA certified medium and healer.

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