Ask the Oracle


Who is the Oracle?

The Oracle is a mystery member of our team chosen for you by fate.

How does this work?

When you purchase an Ask the Oracle reading you will submit one question and the Oracle will respond via email.

What does the Oracle need from you?

You will need to submit one question, see examples below. And a recent close-up photo of yourself so we can see your eyes. This photo is only for the Oracle and will be destroyed after your question is answered.


SKU: N/A Category:

Sample questions:

-What can I do to navigate through _______ situation successfully?

-What opportunities are next on my path?

What am I to learn from the situation with _________?

– What blocks me from finding true love?

What can I do to attract the right partner that aligns with me perfectly?

Is it wise to continue building a romantic relationship with ________?

What steps must I take to heal from my failed relationship with _______?

What types of careers suit me best?

What can I do to improve my financial situation?

Is it wise for me to look for a new job?

What past life issues did I bring into this life with me?


Instructions and next steps will be provided via email once your purchase is complete. Response time is 2-3 business days.


One question, Two questions


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